Fisica And Discoveries

Its not im clever than anybody because i am the most talking about intelligence , normal person in the world , and what appears in continuation is the conclusion of a very complicated work develeoped firstly by the 2001 Nobel Prize laureate Wolfwang Ketterle, consider what follows in continuation just a suggestion to reach with a limit of the precision of pointing the beams of laser atoms developed by Mr ketterle a method to reach temperatures very close to absolute
using Abvaromov-Bohm effect in order to subdivide Bose-Einstein Condensates in a multigrid split experiment so can oscilate or stop as desired
Good Morning r Professor, using Abaromov-Bohm Effect pushing laser 3d ions so they make a 3d grid the result of magnetical forces  appeared will make spin the bose einstein condensate so it can make the desred oscilalation or just make a quite unmoved quantum ball.Best regards David.
Aharonov–Bohm effect From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Aharonov–Bohm effect, sometimes called the Ehrenberg–Siday–Aharonov–Bohm effect, is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected by an electromagnetic field (EB), despite being confined to a region in which both the magnetic field B and electric field E are zero. The underlying mechanism is the coupling of the electromagnetic potential with the complex phase of a charged particle's wavefunction, and the Aharonov-Bohm effect is accordingly illustrated by interference experiments.The most commonly described case, sometimes called the Aharonov–Bohm solenoid effect, takes place when the wave function of a charged particle passing around a long solenoid experiences a phase shift as a result of the enclosed magnetic field, despite the magnetic field being negligible in the region through which the particle passes and the particle's wavefunction being negligible inside the solenoid. This phase shift has been observed experimentally[citation needed]. There are also magnetic Aharonov–Bohm effects on bound energies and scattering cross sections, but these cases have not been experimentally tested. An electric Aharonov–Bohm phenomenon was also predicted, in which a charged particle is affected by regions with differentelectrical potentials but zero electric field, and this has also seen experimental confirmation[citation needed]. A separate "molecular" Aharonov–Bohm effect was proposed for nuclear motion in multiply-connected regions, but this has been argued to be a different kind of geometric phase as it is "neither nonlocal nor topological", depending only on local quantities along the nuclear path.[1]
Werner Ehrenberg and Raymond E. Siday first predicted the effect in 1949,[2] and similar effects were later rediscovered by Yakir Aharonov and David Bohm in 1959.[3] After publication of the 1959 paper, Bohm was informed of Ehrenberg and Siday's work, which was acknowledged and credited in Bohm and Aharanov's subsequent 1961 paper.[4][5] A general review can be found in Peshkin and Tonomura (1989).[6]




The Aharonov–Bohm effect is important conceptually because it illustrates the physicality of electromagnetic potentials, Φ and A, whereas previously it was possible to argue that only the electromagnetic fieldsE and B, were physical and that the electromagnetic potentials, Φ and A, were purely mathematical constructs (being non-unique, in addition to not appearing in the Lorentz Force formula). The non-uniqueness of the electromagnetic potentials is a manifestation of electromagnetic gauge freedom, with the electric and magnetic fields and forces being gauge invariant and therefore directly observable (the fields do appear in the Lorentz force formula).
Similarly, the Aharonov-Bohm effect illustrates that the Lagrangian approach to dynamics, based on energies, is not just a computational aid to the Newtonian approach, based on forces. Thus the Aharonov–Bohm effect validates the view that forces are an incomplete way to formulate physics, and potential energies must be used instead. In fact Richard Feynman complained[citation needed] that he had been taught electromagnetism from the perspective of E and B, and he wished later in life he had been taught to think in terms of the A field instead, as this would be more fundamental. In Feynman's path-integral view of dynamics, the A field directly changes the phase of an electron wave function, and it is these changes in phase that lead to measurable quantities.
The Aharonov–Bohm effect shows that the local E and B fields do not contain full information about the electromagnetic field, and the electromagnetic four-potential, A, must be used instead. By Stokes' theorem, the magnitude of the Aharonov–Bohm effect can be calculated using A alone, or using E plus B alone. But when using the fields, the effect depends on the field values in a region from which the test particle is excluded, not only classically but also quantum mechanically. In contrast, the effect depends on A only in the region where the test particle is allowed. Therefore we can either abandon the principle of locality (which most physicists are reluctant to do) or we are forced to accept the realisation that the electromagnetic 4-potential - composed of Φ and A - offers a more complete description of electromagnetism than the electric and magnetic fields can. In classical electromagnetism the two descriptions were equivalent. With the addition of quantum theory, though, the electromagnetic potentials Φ and A are seen as being more fundamental. [7] The E and B fields can be derived from the 4-potential, but the 4-potential cannot be derived from the E and B fields.
This effect was chosen by the New Scientist magazine as one of the "seven wonders of quantum world".[8]

[edit]Magnetic solenoid effect

The magnetic Aharonov–Bohm effect can be seen as a result of the requirement that quantum physics be invariant with respect to the gauge choice for the electromagnetic potential, of which the magnetic vector potential A forms part.
Electromagnetic theory implies that a particle with electric charge q travelling along some path P in a region with zero magnetic field B, but non-zero A (by \mathbf{B} = 0 = \nabla \times \mathbf{A}), acquires a phase shift \varphi, given in SI units by
\varphi = \frac{q}{\hbar} \int_P \mathbf{A} \cdot d\mathbf{x},
Therefore particles, with the same start and end points, but travelling along two different routes will acquire a phase difference Δφ determined by the magnetic flux ΦB through the area between the paths (via Stokes' theorem and \nabla  \times \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{B}), and given by:
\Delta\varphi = \frac{q\Phi_B}{\hbar}.

Schematic of double-slit experiment in which Aharonov–Bohm effect can be observed: electrons pass through two slits, interfering at an observation screen, with the interference pattern shifted when a magnetic field B is turned on in the cylindrical solenoid.
In quantum mechanics the same particle can travel between two points by a variety of paths. Therefore this phase difference can be observed by placing a solenoid between the slits of a double-slit experiment (or equivalent). An ideal solenoid encloses a magnetic field B, but does not produce any magnetic field outside of its cylinder, and thus the charged particle (e.g. an electron) passing outside experiences no magnetic field B. However, there is a (curl-free) vector potential A outside the solenoid with an enclosed flux, and so the relative phase of particles passing through one slit or the other is altered by whether the solenoid current is turned on or off. This corresponds to an observable shift of the interference fringes on the observation plane.
The same phase effect is responsible for the quantized-flux requirement in superconducting loops. This quantization occurs because the superconducting wave function must be single valued: its phase difference Δφ around a closed loop must be an integer multiple of 2π (with the charge for the electron Cooper pairs), and thus the flux Φ must be a multiple of h/2e. The superconducting flux quantum was actually predicted prior to Aharonov and Bohm, by F. London in 1948 using a phenomenological model.[9]
The magnetic Aharonov–Bohm effect was experimentally confirmed by Osakabe et al. (1986),[10] following much earlier work summarized in Olariu and Popèscu (1984).[11] Its scope and application continues to expand. Webb et al. (1985)[12] demonstrated Aharonov–Bohm oscillations in ordinary, non-superconducting metallic rings; for a discussion, see Schwarzschild (1986)[13] and Imry & Webb (1989).[14]Bachtold et al. (1999)[15] detected the effect in carbon nanotubes; for a discussion, see Kong et al. (2004).[16]

[edit]Monopoles and Dirac strings

The magnetic Aharonov–Bohm effect is also closely related to Dirac's argument that the existence of a magnetic monopole can be accommodated by the existing magnetic source-free Maxwell's equations if both electric and magnetic charges are quantized.
A magnetic monopole implies a mathematical singularity in the vector potential, which can be expressed as an Dirac string of infinitesimal diameter that contains the equivalent of all of the 4πg flux from a monopole "charge" g. The Dirac string starts from, and terminates on, a magnetic monopole. Thus, assuming the absence of an infinite-range scattering effect by this arbitrary choice of singularity, the requirement of single-valued wave functions (as above) necessitates charge-quantization. That is, 2\frac{q_\text{e}q_\text{m}}{\hbar c} must be an integer (in cgs units) for any electric charge qe and magnetic charge qm.
Like the electromagnetic potential A the Dirac string is not gauge invariant (it moves around with fixed endpoints under a gauge transformation) is also not directly measurable.

[edit]Electric effect

Just as the phase of the wave function depends upon the magnetic vector potential, it also depends upon the scalar electric potential. By constructing a situation in which the electrostatic potential varies for two paths of a particle, through regions of zero electric field, an observable Aharonov–Bohm interference phenomenon from the phase shift has been predicted; again, the absence of an electric field means that, classically, there would be no effect.
From the Schrödinger equation, the phase of an eigenfunction with energy E goes as \exp(-iEt/\hbar). The energy, however, will depend upon the electrostatic potential V for a particle with charge q. In particular, for a region with constant potential V(zero field), the electric potential energy qV is simply added to E, resulting in a phase shift:
\Delta\phi = -\frac{qVt}{\hbar} ,
where t is the time spent in the potential.
The initial theoretical proposal for this effect suggested an experiment where charges pass through conducting cylinders along two paths, which shield the particles from external electric fields in the regions where they travel, but still allow a varying potential to be applied by charging the cylinders. This proved difficult to realize, however. Instead, a different experiment was proposed involving a ring geometry interrupted by tunnel barriers, with a bias voltage V relating the potentials of the two halves of the ring. This situation results in an Aharonov–Bohm phase shift as above, and was observed experimentally in 1998.[17]

[edit]Aharonov–Bohm nano rings

Nano rings were created by accident[18] while intending to make quantum dots. They have interesting optical properties associated with excitons and the Aharonov–Bohm effect.[18] Application of these rings used as light capacitors or buffers includesphotonic computing and communications technology. Analysis and measurement of geometric phases in mesoscopic rings is ongoing.[19][20][21]

[edit]Mathematical interpretation

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In the terms of modern differential geometry, the Aharonov–Bohm effect can be understood to be the monodromy of a flat complex line bundle. The U(1)-connection on this line bundle is given by the electromagnetic four-potential A as  \nabla = d + i A\,, where d means partial derivation in the Minkowski space \mathbb M^4. The curvature form of the connection, \mathbf F=d\mathbf A, is the electromagnetic field strength, where \mathbf A is the 1-form corresponding to the four-potential. The holonomy of the connection, e^{i \int_\gamma \mathbf A}around a closed loop γ is, as a consequence of Stokes' theorem, determined by the magnetic flux through a surface bounded by the loop. This description is general and works inside as well as outside the conductor. Outside of the conducting tube, which is for example a longitudinally magnetized infinite metallic thread, the field strength is \mathbf F = 0 ; in other words outside the thread the connection is flat, and the holonomy of a loop contained in the field-free region depends only on the winding numberaround the tube and is, by definition, the monodromy of the flat connection.
In any simply connected region outside of the tube we can find a gauge transformation (acting on wave functions and connections) that gauges away the vector potential. However, if the monodromy is non trivial, there is no such gauge transformation for the whole outside region. If we want to ignore the physics inside the conductor and only describe the physics in the outside region, it becomes natural to mathematically describe the quantum electron by a section in a complex line bundle with an "external" connection \nabla rather than an external EM field \mathbf F (by incorporating local gauge transformations we have already acknowledged that quantum mechanics defines the notion of a (locally) flat wavefunction (zero momentum density) but not that of unit wavefunction). The Schrödinger equation readily generalizes to this situation. In fact for the Aharonov–Bohm effect we can work in two simply connected regions with cuts that pass from the tube towards or away from the detection screen. In each of these regions we have to solve the ordinary free Schrödinger equations but in passing from one region to the other, in only one of the two connected components of the intersection (effectively in only one of the slits) we pick up a monodromy factor eiα, which results in a shift in the interference pattern.
Effects with similar mathematical interpretation can be found in other fields. For example, in classical statistical physics, quantization of a molecular motor motion in a stochastic environment can be interpreted as an Aharonov–Bohm effect induced by a gauge field acting in the space of control parameters.[22]

[edit]See also


  1. ^ Sjöqvist, E (2002). "Locality and topology in the molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect". Physical Review Letters 89 (21): 210401. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.210401.arXiv:quant-ph/0112136.
  2. ^ Ehrenberg, W; Siday, RE (1949). "The Refractive Index in Electron Optics and the Principles of Dynamics".Proceedings of the Physical Society B 62: 8–21.doi:10.1088/0370-1301/62/1/303.
  3. ^ Aharonov, Y; Bohm, D (1959). "Significance of electromagnetic potentials in quantum theory". Physical Review 115: 485–491. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.115.485.
  4. ^ Peat, FD (1997). Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm

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Aharonov–Bohm effect

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  1. ^ Peat, FD (1997). Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David BohmAddison-WesleyISBN 0-201-40635-7.
  2. ^ Aharonov, Y; Bohm, D (1961). "Further Considerations on Electromagnetic Potentials in the Quantum Theory".Physical Review 123: 1511–1524.doi:10.1103/PhysRev.123.1511.
  3. ^ Peshkin, M; Tonomura, A (1989). The Aharonov-Bohm effectSpringer-VerlagISBN 3-540-51567-4.
  4. ^ Feynman, R. The Feynman Lectures on Physics2. p. 15-5. "knowledge of the classical electromagnetic field acting locally on a particle is not sufficient to predict its quantum-mechanical behavior. and the vector potential a "real" field? ... a real field is a mathematical device for avoiding the idea of action at a distance. .... for a long time it was believed that A was not a "real" field. .... there are phenomena involving quantum mechanics which show that in fact A is a "real" field in the sense that we have defined it..... E and B are slowly disappearing from the modern expression of physical laws; they are being replaced by A[the vector potential] and \varphi[the scalar potential]"
  5. ^ "Seven wonders of the quantum world"
  6. ^ London, F (1948). "On the Problem of the Molecular Theory of Superconductivity". Physical Review 74: 562.doi:10.1103/PhysRev.74.562.
  7. ^ Osakabe, N; et al. (1986). "Experimental confirmation of Aharonov-Bohm effect using a toroidal magnetic field confined by a superconductor". Physical Review A 34: 815.doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.34.815.
  8. ^ Olariu, S; Popescu, II (1985). "The quantum effects of electromagnetic fluxes". Reviews of Modern Physics 57: 339. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.57.339.
  9. ^ Webb, RA; Washburn, S; Umbach, CP; Laibowitz, RB (1985). "Observation of h/e Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations in Normal-Metal Rings". Physical Review Letters 54: 2696.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.54.2696.
  10. ^ Schwarzschild, B (1986). "Currents in Normal-Metal Rings Exhibit Aharonov–Bohm Effect". Physics Today 39(1): 17. doi:10.1063/1.2814843.
  11. ^ Imry, Y; Webb, RA (1989). "Quantum Interference and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect". Scientific American 260 (4).
  12. ^ Schönenberger, C; Bachtold, Adrian; Strunk, Christoph; Salvetat, Jean-Paul; Bonard, Jean-Marc; Forró, Laszló; Nussbaumer, Thomas (1999). "Aharonov–Bohm oscillations in carbon nanotubes". Nature 397: 673.doi:10.1038/17755.
  13. ^ Kong, J; Kouwenhoven, L; Dekker, C (2004). "Quantum change for nanotubes"Physics World. Retrieved 2009-08-17.
  14. ^ van Oudenaarden, A; Devoret, Michel H.; Nazarov, Yu. V.; Mooij, J. E. (1998). "Magneto-electric Aharonov–Bohm effect in metal rings". Nature 391: 768.doi:10.1038/35808.
  15. a b Fischer, AM (2009). "Quantum doughnuts slow and freeze light at will". Innovation Reports. Retrieved 2008-08-17.
  16. ^ Borunda, MF; et al. (2008). "Aharonov-Casher and spin Hall effects in two-dimensional mesoscopic ring structures with strong spin-orbit interaction". arΧiv:0809.0880 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
  17. ^ Grbic, B; et al. (2008). "Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in p-type GaAs quantum rings". Physica E 40: 1273.doi:10.1016/j.physe.2007.08.129arXiv:0711.0489.
  18. ^ Fischer, AM; et al. (2009). "Exciton Storage in a Nanoscale Aharonov-Bohm Ring with Electric Field Tuning". Physical Review Letters 102: 096405.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.096405

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Daguel none

 para Wolfgang
mostrar detalles 17:56 (hace 9 horas)
Good afternoon Mr Professor exactly the lasers cut the bose- einstein condensate leaving a 3d dice , if you resend the lasers through the holes now with an accelerated ions with a very small phase difference there is a probability that the beam passes over the closest hole also creating the A.-bohm effect making suddenly move appart the rests of the BEC that phase define a dice oscillation if you make the same at the same time with entanglement accelerated ions set with an opposite resend phase you will have two dices BEC oscillating in oppositiveness yous beam with the atom laser at the same time one BEC dice pulse atom to another. this is the smallest temperature get method procedure i can imagine to ever set by EM methods-

the Asyntotically problem of xoring to obtain qc qubit orthogonality
In fact i didnt realize until just now but with A.-Bohm effect and a double split orthogonal sided boxes with ions inside it 
can be reached orthogonality if we split the electron or ion with a ghost multiple divided beam for each box at enogh speed
solving the problem of reaching asyntotically orthogonality reaching at the same time instead of using a qc xor operator,
for a big number of quantum computer made qubits
The perfect GPS:
just consider this as one more of my stravagances in physics
The idea is simply we have an satelllite orbiting at a stationary orbit at Van Allen Belts,later i will explain why this
then we have our car double split experiment sender that pass trough a hole in the front foot of the car the other hole in the back roof of the car then we have a detector of a pair of electromagnetic waves signals
 that are in entangled stte if we do pass two beams for later entangled then you fave both graphs eb1 and eb2.

due quantum mechanics both pass at the same time at detector C in the satellite even when AB distance = 1 meter and AC>BC but if both rays provide for a single one the whole energy should conserve
so mass eb2


so we can calculate distance precisly in base T in base diference of masses with an antimateria consumed measured result the coliding of eb1 and eb2
H=T-Uso all params are knew., it also can be mesaured experimentally with the solar panel increase of current easure due anhilation of matter,alsoi can consider ions instead of electrons for sending wave position data

Cinturones de Van Allen

Cinturones de van Allen.
Los cinturones de Van Allen son ciertas zonas de la magnetosfera terrestre donde se concentran las partículas cargadas. Son llamados así en honor de su descubridor James Van Allen. Fueron descubiertos gracias al lanzamiento del satélite estadounidense Explorer 1, el cual fue en principio un fracaso debido a su forma alargada que junto con un sistema de control mal diseñado "descontroló" este dentro de su orbita. En la imagen podemos ver el Explorer 1 atravesando dichos cinturones.
Estos cinturones son áreas en forma de anillo de superficie toroidal en las que gran cantidad de protones y electrones se están moviendo en espiral entre los polos magnéticos del planeta, y se estructura en dos cinturones: uno interior y otro exterior. El cinturón interior está a unos 1.000 km por encima de la superficie de la Tierra y se extiende por encima de los 5.000 km (los satélites de orbita baja (LEO) interesan que estén a una altitud considerable para evitar que la resistencia residual atmosférica reduzca el tiempo de vida de este, pero a la vez deben estar por debajo de los 1000 km para no entrar en cinturones de radiación, muy perjudiciales para dichos satélites); por su parte, el cinturón exterior se extiende desde aproximadamente 15.000 km hasta los 20.000 km. Este cinturón exterior en concreto, no afecta a satélites de orbitas altas/medias (MEO) como pueden ser los Geoestacionarios (GEO) situados en torno a 35000km de altitud.
Una región del cinturón interior, conocida como Anomalía del Atlántico Sur (SAA) se extiende a orbitas bajas y es peligroso para las naves y satélites artificiales que lo atraviesen, pues tanto los equipos electrónicos como los seres humanos pueden verse perjudicados por la radiación.
Estos cinturones de radiación se originan debido al intenso campo magnético de la tierra, originado por la rotación de esta, que atrapa las partículas cargadas (plasma) proveniente del sol (viento solar) de acuerdo a las leyes de la magnetohidrodinamica

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Daguel none

18 feb (hace 2 días)
the aislant film due needs to be very thin can be a nanotube carbon several films gap enough to not touch the semiconductor bands due to small dilatation thin enoug to be very close to proportionate enough attractive force due casimir effect, if the system needs small refrigaration consider also use a material like magnetorefigeration material and aportion of the Vgenerated to create a magnetical field to cold

Daguel none

18 feb (hace 2 días)
if with the configuration i show the laminate just bends try npn-npn or pnp-pnp not npn-pnp another thing would be nice p>0 refractive index n<0 refractive index areas-> sum forces=0 try it edison have to sent to trash 1000 bulbs to get one that works!!

Daguel none

 19 feb (1 día antes)
the effect casimir is given in perfect Electromagnetic vaccum, consider applying a constant magnetic field opposed to the terrestrial,earth magnetic field so EM vacuum keeps perfect so more thermodynamics performance is obtained.

thank you very much and best regards.
how rector of university of kobe signs eichi Kimura, that the beauty of your heart lightened yoiur soul.

2011/2/18 Daguel none
if with the configuration i show the laminate just bends try npn-npn or pnp-pnp not npn-pnp another thing would be nice p>0 refractive index n<0 refractive index areas-> sum forces=0 try it edison have to sent to trash 1000 bulbs to get one that works!!

the aislant film due needs to be very thin can be a nanotube carbon several films gap enough to not touch the semiconductor bands due to small dilatation thin enoug to be very close to proportionate enough attractive force due casimir effect, if the system needs small refrigaration consider also use a material like magnetorefigeration material and aportion of the Vgenerated to create a magnetical field to cold

Daguel none

 19 feb (1 día antes)
due to kondo effect and probability of free gap electrons /virtual particles 
the efect kasimir can work better at high temperatures
as well i also predicted a change of temperature of superfluid helium due to magnetically forces

Daguel none

 19 feb (1 día antes)
also can be used to obtain energy from the earth weak magnetic field with small variations of it fue josephson effect joint and perpetual oscilator casimir effect :) as an alternative to the transistors coupled

Daguel none

20:58 (hace 22 horas)
all we have seen in my mails affects directly to torus high energy fussion and to cold fussion due to Waan der vaals forces between Deuterium,normal water and tritium i bet that with ions of heavy water one for isotope H20+1 neutron to each H H2O +2 neutron each Hidrogen being abel to create a magnetic field that due to masses makes H20+1 oscillates in helix very close to H20+2 aslo oscilllating in helix into the same direction but separated produces from low nuclei ineraction , if we measure casimir effect plates wave oscilation its result is the promedia,sum wave_subi/N of the oscilations of the muclear network and its independant for stand alone pure nuclei, [but "now im dreaming" we are able to detect the promedia oscillation of a stand alone nuclei giving by casimie ffect weak interaction a cuantity of movement Hn where Hn is the harmonic freq for gap nuclei gap n as resonator freq,process of fussion turns on]
thank you very much for having paid your precious time to my "conclusions", best regards. and have a nice sunday.

Casimir effect

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Casimir forces on parallel plates

Casimir forces on parallel plates
In quantum field theory, the Casimir effect and the Casimir-Polder force are physical forces arising from a quantized field. The typical example is of two uncharged metallic plates in a vacuum, placed a few micrometers apart, without any external electromagnetic field. In a classical description, the lack of an external field also means that there is no field between the plates, and no force would be measured between them.[1] When this field is instead studied using quantum electrodynamics, it is seen that the plates do affect the virtual photons which constitute the field, and generate a net force[2]—either an attraction or a repulsion depending on the specific arrangement of the two plates. Although the Casimir effect can be expressed in terms of virtual particles interacting with the objects, it is best described and more easily calculated in terms of the zero-point energy of a quantized field in the intervening space between the objects. This force has been measured, and is a striking example of an effect purely due to second quantization.[3][4] However, the treatment of boundary conditions in these calculations has led to some controversy. In fact "Casimir's original goal was to compute the van der Waals force between polarizable molecules" of the metallic plates. Thus it can be interpreted without any reference to the zero-point energy (vacuum energy) or virtual particles of quantum fields.[5]
Dutch physicists Hendrik B. G. Casimir and Dirk Polder proposed the existence of the force and formulated an experiment to detect it in 1948 while participating in research at Philips Research Labs. The classic form of the experiment, described above, successfully demonstrated the force to within 15% of the value predicted by the theory.[6]
Because the strength of the force falls off rapidly with distance, it is only measurable when the distance between the objects is extremely small. On a submicrometre scale, this force becomes so strong that it becomes the dominant force between uncharged conductors. In fact, at separations of 10 nm—about 100 times the typical size of an atom—the Casimir effect produces the equivalent of 1 atmosphere of pressure (101.325 kPa), the precise value depending on surface geometry and other factors.[7]
In modern theoretical physics, the Casimir effect plays an important role in the chiral bag model of the nucleon; and in applied physics, it is significant in some aspects of emerging microtechnologies andnanotechnologies.[8]

for graphene without inner structures at each hexagonal cluster but with this kind of circular pattern the cuantical sink appears at its center if connected to ground so minimum of energy goes radially from outside to the center if is ground released the film behaves like a charge membrane in which can be measured 2d waves its like a topological computer it can be used effect moesser to detect by release gamma rays at applying X rays at isotopical graphene at its resonator atomic structure the oscillation position of the membrane.
 same analogy but this time in a non-circular, squared cell, by repetitions od pattern a processor is created (underlying figure at red,blue red means dopated N cells blue dopated P alterned) in this case should be detected the holes and hills of the voltage (center of strred pattern) /center of circular pattern) that depending on boundary conditions can be a sink or generator of E field voltage 0-4.5V
 The analogy but this time with nanotubes and configurable and programable P N P,N P N  layer it works as well as lcd displays has a squared cell that groups several nanotubes that after aplying a z-index positive or negative E field makes the near nanotubes to move upwards or downwards polarizing and behaving as a promedia for each cell as a P or N block (composed of many NP,PN outside PN,NP inner respectively displaced) then once configurated the pattern of blocks the blocks behave as same as above pictures,
note at down picture any configuration can be taken, for example superposition of patterns:
 i.e. above topological squared + the same moved 1/2 down and right, as simulator of qubit or again a membrane simulator based on submembranes simulator so superimposing two circled patterns we obtain a two qubit simulator by nxn superposition nxn qubits being the countour conditions of one pattern the singular maximum minimum sink hill of the others and viceversa.

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